Digital Frames

Crafting exquisite detailed 3D AR Assets

Bringing your eyewear frames to life in the digital world, providing customers with a realistic experience, high-level detail, accuracy, and real dimensions.

Our digital assets are designed with lightness and high performance in mind, ensuring a seamless and smooth experience for customers across different devices and platforms.  

arshades antique mirror

Tailor-made Creation

Enhance digital experience with frames crafted around you.

We achieve performance and accuracy, ensuring a seamless and smooth experience for customers across different devices and platforms, ensuring they look and feel as close to the real thing as possible.

ARShades digital frames are compatible with a range of devices and platforms, including web, mobile, and other digital supports, ensuring a consistent experience for customers no matter how they choose to shop.

Digital Assets Creation

3D Glasses Frame Creation

From your production model frame or from a few detailed pictures and data, we create an accurate 3D model that complies with the digital requirement for AR and web display.

We take care of all aspects and return a beautiful digital frame with high-level detail, accuracy, and real dimensions.

Customers can see exactly how your eyewear will look like.

Digital Assets Optimization

3D Glasses Frame Optimization

Post-production of your existing 3D models for AR or creation and optimisation of new 3D model.
We manage the process of positioning the models on the face, polygon reduction and web / app optimization of materials and textures, lighting management, color management according to your specifications, conversion into optimized formats in .glb .usdz.


Average weight of our Digital Frames


Average Polygon reduction ofter optimization


Average textures weight optimisation

Clippin Reduction

High level of clipping correction

Attention to detail

Detailed 3D Digital Frame

The end result will be self-evident. Your eyewear will be displayed to their full potential and, thanks to augmented reality, your customers will have the opportunity to inspect every remarkable detail.

Zoom in

Save money


ARShades Digital Frames provide cost-effectiveness in its affordable upfront cost and its ability to save companies money on other expenses, such as photo renderings, photo shootings, and physical product samples.

By creating photorealistic images of their products in-house, and eliminating the need for costly external services, companies can enjoy a high return on investment and streamline their product showcasing process.

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Digital frames,digital assets,3d frames,3d ar glasses,3d glasses,3d optimisation,3d frame optimisation,3d frame creation

Let's Discuss it

Please, fill in the form to request a quotation. Let’s start to discuss about your project.

Digital frames,digital assets,3d frames,3d ar glasses,3d glasses,3d optimisation,3d frame optimisation,3d frame creation

Augmented Reality Solutions for your Eyewear Products

ARShades® is a Trademark and a Registered Software by Spaarkly®
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